Friday, June 26, 2009


Thursday, June 25, 2009



If I were to get a new mixer, it would be...

The Rodec Scratchbox Mixer!!

The top panel of the Scratchbox doesn't deviate from the standard layout of most 2-channel scratch mixers. The main fader area also being home to the channel cut switches, headphone cueing fader, plus another slightly mysterious fader on the left hand side. Well, I say mysterious, but it's quite obvious in actuality. The upper left side of the Scratchbox has a small strip for channel 3, which is switchable between a mic and line input, and has 2-band eq + gain control. It's quite unique in that it lets you assign it to the main mix (using the mini-fader) or to be partially routed to the signal flow for channel 1 or 2 (i.e. so you can use the panning, FX inserts, cut switches and main faders). It has a single LED to let you know when you are hitting 0dB, and a switch for routing the signal to the headphones. Overall, it gives you that little bit of extra control, and the ability to quickly move the signal over to be manipulated by the main faders and other main channel features is really useful.

For Full Review
Click Here